Week 1 Lecture…

Week 1 Lecture…

Week 1 lecture pod explores one of the key Design Areas of interaction design called ‘Interactivity’. The Lecture pod begins with providing us with a better understanding of what interactive design is and analyses important factors that interactive designers need to apply.

[Clement.Mok] Image: Waterson, S.(2016). Diagram [photo]. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/159653223

Here we are given an overview of where interaction design is placed in the spectrum of  communication designs providing an insight of what interaction design involves and  or intwines with other digital mediums. The lecture pod refers to a video from ‘Bill Verplank’ where he educates the audience on the three most important questions a interactive designer needs to ask themselves.

1. How do you do?

How are you, as a designer going to be effecting the world

2. How do you feel?

How are you, as a designer going to receive feedback from the world

3. How do you know?

How are you, as a designer going to determine whether there are further applications that need to be made or adjusted for you’re targeted audience.

During the Lecture pod we are able to see through Sharp, Rogers and Preece,(2002).Interaction design that interaction designers require to develop this mentality of having to understand the user and fully acknowledge how the human psyche functions as these are key factors of creating anything successfully interactive for the public.

Sharp, Rogers and Preece,(2002). Interaction design. Medium:[photograph]. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/159653223
 Another important aspect that was introduced in the lecture pod was the ‘Concept of Experience’ which was further explained in a diagram by Nathan Shedroff,(2001). Experience Design 1, New Riders. The diagram expresses the flow of data to wisdom. The process is described as when data is organised it becomes meaningful information. Information based on users, how they think, how they perceive the world. This information is then transferred into knowledge. Understanding the consumers experience is an significant aspect of interaction design so you’re able to cater to their needs.

Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 10.16.01 pm.png
Nathan, S. (2001). Experience design 1 [photo]. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/159653223
The Lecture pod also encourages us to watch a video called “what is interactive Design?” from Gillian crampton Smith. Here is where she describes interactive design as something that is “shaping our everyday life through digital artefacts for work, play and entertainment”. Smith continues to educate future interactive designers the importance of creating clear, direct outcomes that possess the ability to eliminate the conscious of the user.
















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